Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Step by step guide for Commerce Scale Unit (Cloud), previously known as Retail Cloud Scale Unit (RCSU), Configuration and Installation in Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O (CSU)


Step by step guide for Commerce Scale Unit (Cloud), previously known as Retail Cloud Scale Unit (RCSU), Configuration and Installation in Microsoft Dynamics 365 F&O



1. The Environment where Commerce Scale Unit (Cloud) (CSU) or RCSU is to configured, should a (Tier – 2) sandbox or production environment and the application version should be 8.1.2.x or later.

2. Make sure that Retail License Configuration is enabled in the Environment and the following features should be enabled.









CSU (Cloud) Setup

1. To setup Commerce Scale Unit (Cloud) or RCSU, first login to LCS Portal, click the Environment where CSU setup need to done.

2. On the Environment details page, go to Environment Features > Commerce and then click Manage.

3. Then click the Initialize button. 

4. Then select the Region and then Version. 
Note: If you have any Extension for Retail Components, then set Apply Extension to YES and select the Retail Package.

5. After that click the Initialize button. A warning message will come. Click Yes

6. After that a service information window will come and it will take some time to complete.

7. After the Commerce Scale Unit (Cloud) or RCSU is deployed successfully, the status window will show as below.

8. After Commerce Scale Unit has been deployed, in the head office client go to Retail and commerce > Retail Headquarters > Retail Scheduler setup > Channel database and in Retail Channel, add the channel that you want to configure to use CSU (Cloud).

9. Once you attach, the channel, it will ask for confirmation for data syncing. Click YES to continue.

10. Now go to Retail and commerce > Channels > Stores > All Stores and click the channel that you want to configure as CSU (Cloud). Now select Channel profile that is created automatically during Cloud Scale Unit Initialization.

11. Now go to Channel Database and click Full Data Sync and select 9999 Job and press ok. This will sync all data to the channel database.

12. Now go to Retail and Commerce > Inquiries and Reports > Commerce Data Exchange and click Download Sessions and verify that all jobs are applied.

13. Now click the POS URL (You will get the same in Channel Profiles) and activate the cloud POS.
