Monday, June 11, 2018

Step by step guide for Retail Store Scale Unit (RSSU) Configuration and Installation in Microsoft Dynamics 365 – Finance and Operations

Step by step guide for Retail Store Scale Unit (RSSU) Configuration and Installation in Microsoft Dynamics 365 – Finance and Operations

  1. To set up Retail Store Scale Unit (RSSU), first create an Azure Active Directory application. To create the same, login to your Azure account through the Azure portal and check you have required permission to create the same. Follow the below steps to check and create application.
  2. To check that you have required permission, login in to azure portal, click Azure Active Directory in the left pane
  3. And then click user settings and check that in the right side, “User can register applications” is set to “YES”
  4. And If the app registrations setting is set to NO, only global administrators can register apps. You can check your roles and permission by clicking overview in the above page.
  5. Now to create the Azure Active Directory application click Azure Active Directory in the left
  6. Then click App registrations in the left and then click New application registration in the top
  7. Then enter the detail as in below example
  8. Now click the application which is created and copy the Application ID and store it.
  9. To generate an authentication key, select Settings.
  10. To generate an authentication key, select Keys.
  11. Provide a description of the key, and a duration for the key. When done, select Save.
  12. After saving the key, the value of the key is displayed. Copy this value because you are not able to retrieve the key later. You provide the key value with the application ID to log in as the application. Store the key value where your application can retrieve it.
  13. Now assign application role to the app. Click subscription and then click Access control (IAM).
  14. Then select role as below and select the application which is created and save.
  15. After an application ID (client ID) and secret are created for Retail Store Scale Unit, the client ID must be accepted in Retail. Connect to D365 environment and go to System administration > Setup > Azure Active Directory applications. Enter the application ID (client ID) in the Client ID column, enter descriptive text in the Name column, and enter RetailServiceAccount in the User ID column.
  16. Now to create a functioning Retail Store Scale Unit, go to Retail > Headquarters setup > Retail scheduler > Channel database.
  17. On the Channel database page, on the Action Pane, select New.
  18. In the Channel database ID field, enter a unique value.
  19. In the Channel data group field, select the Default option.
  20. You can leave the Data sync interval field blank. Alternatively, you can select a value in this field. For example, in the demo data, the value D60-U15 specifies a 15-minute synchronization interval.
  21. On the Retail channel Fast Tab, select Add, and then, in the Channel field, select the appropriate Retail store channel which you might have already created. Repeat this step to add all the channels that should use this database.
  22. On the Store Scale Unit Package Fast Tab, in the Name field, select the appropriate Retail Store Scale Unit package. Each environment generates a base Retail Store Scale Unit package. Therefore, this field always contains at least one option.
  23. On the Action Pane, select Save. Details like in below screenshot.
  24. Go to Retail > Channel setup > Channel profiles.
  25. On the Action Pane, select New.
  26. In the Name field, enter a unique name for the channel profile.
  27. On the Action Pane, select Save.
  28. On the Profile properties Fast Tab for the new channel profile, select Add.
  29. In the Property key field, select Retail server URL.
  30. In the Property value field, enter the URL of the Retail Server that should be installed for Retail Store Scale Unit.
  31. The standard format for the URL of an on-premises store installation of Retail Store Scale Unit is https://<Computer Name>:<Port>/RetailServer/Commerce. In this format, <Computer Name> is either the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the computer where Retail Store Scale Unit is installed or, for systems that aren't joined to a domain, the full computer name. <Port> is the port number that should be used in the installation. The port number must be a value between 1 and 65535. If you're using the default HTTPS port (443), you don't have to specify the port number.
  32. On the Profile properties Fast Tab for the new channel profile, select Add.
  33. In the Property key field, select Cloud POS URL.
  34. In the Property value field, enter the URL of the Retail Cloud POS instance that should be installed for Retail Store Scale Unit.
  35. The standard format for the URL of an on-premises store installation of Retail Store Scale Unit is https://<Computer Name>:<Port>/POS. In this format, <Computer Name> is either the FQDN of the computer where Retail Store Scale Unit is installed or, for systems that aren't joined to a domain, the full computer name. <Port> is the port number that should be used in the installation. The port number must be a value between 1 and 65535. If you're using the default HTTPS port (443), you don't have to specify the port number.
  36. On the Action Pane, select Save. Details as in below screenshot.
  37. Go to Retail > Channels > Retail stores > All retail stores.
  38. Select the Retail channel ID for the retail store that will use the new channel database.
  39. On the details page for the selected store, on the Action Pane, select Edit.
  40. On the General Fast Tab for the store, in the Live channel database field, select the channel database that you created in step 3.
  41. On the Action Pane, select Save.
  42. On the General Fast Tab for the store, in the Channel profile field, select the channel profile that you created in step 12.
  43. Go to Retail > Headquarters setup > Retail scheduler > Channel data group.
  44. Select the Default data group, and then, on the Action Pane, select Full data sync. In the Select a distribution schedule field, select job 9999, and then select OK. In the dialog box that appears, select OK to confirm the full synchronization. All the data in the channel database is prepared for download.
  45. Now go to channel database that is created, click download and then download the Retail Store Scale Unit Package and the Configuration file.

Run the Retail Store Scale Unit installer

Before you run the Retail Store Scale Unit installer, make sure that all system requirements are met. The Retail Store Scale Unit installer first extracts the associated files. It then begins the installation.
  1. On the first page of the installer, select the components to install. You can install the following components:

·         Retail channel database with Async Client
·         Retail Server
·         Retail Cloud POS
After you've selected all the components to install, select Next to continue.

2.   The installer validates that all prerequisites are met. Setup will also download SQL Express if it is not present.
3.   Verify the URL for Application Object Server (AOS), and then select Next. (The AOS URL is the URL that is used to access Retail headquarters.)

4.    Select a valid Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to use for HTTPS communication.
The certificate must use private key storage, and server authentication must be listed in the enhanced key usage property. Additionally, the certificate must be trusted locally, and it can't be expired. It must be stored in the personal certificate store location on the local computer. Self-signed certificate is recommended in the test environment.

5.     If a specific user is required, enter the user name and password that the application pool should run under. By default, the installer automatically generates a service account to use. This approach is more secure and is recommended.

6.     On the next page, enter the user account and password for the Retail Server application pool and Async Client. By default, this account is automatically generated. However, you can manually enter the user account and password.

7.     Enter the HTTPS port to use and verify that the host name of the computer is correct. Then select Next to continue.

8.      Enter the application ID (client ID) and secret that are associated with this Retail Store Scale Unit installation. Additionally, verify the channel database ID, which is automatically entered from the configuration file. Then select Install. If you will use Retail Cloud POS, make sure that the Configure Retail Cloud POS check box at the bottom of the page is selected. This configuration requests Azure AD sign-in and automatically generates all required information in Azure, so that Retail Cloud POS can be used on-premises.
For information about how to create web applications in Azure, see Create an Azure Active Directory application.
When you create the Web App, the initial URI and URL don't have to be any specific value. Only the application ID (client ID) and key (secret) that are created are important.

After you sign in to your azure account, it will start Retail Store Scale Unit, Channel Database, Async Client, Retail Cloud POS and Retail Server.

9.      After the application ID (client ID) and secret are created for Retail Store Scale Unit, the application ID (client ID) must be accepted in Retail. Follow the next procedure to finish the configuration in Retail headquarters.
10.   After the installation is completed, the final health page appears. This page shows whether the installation was successful. It also shows the health of each component, based on basic connection tests, and the location of this topic. If the installation wasn't successful, the page shows the location of the log files. We recommend that you keep this final health page open until you've completed the configuration of Retail Store Scale Unit and all components are working correctly.

If you click the health check page link against the RetailServer, it should the following status in the browser.

Finish the Retail Store Scale Unit configuration in headquarters

The last steps require validation and verification that the Azure application ID (client ID) and key (secret) are correctly accepted in Retail headquarters, so that connections can be made between the environment and the new Retail Store Scale Unit.
1.      After the application ID (client ID) and key (secret) are created for Retail Store Scale Unit and entered in the installer, the application ID (client ID) must be accepted in Retail headquarters. In Retail headquarters, go to System administration > Setup > Azure Active Directory applications. Enter the application ID (client ID) in the Client ID column, enter descriptive text in the Name column, and enter RetailServiceAccount in the User ID column.
Note: This application id different from what we have entered during the start of setup. This application id is displayed in the final health page.

2.       If Retail Cloud POS is configured for use, a client ID is shown at the end of the installation. You must add this client ID to the Retail shared parameters page in Retail.
a. In Retail, go to Retail > Headquarters setup > Parameters > Retail shared parameters.
b.     Select Identity providers.

c.      On the Identity providers Fast Tab, select the provider that begins with HTTPS:// The values on the Relying parties Fast Tab are set, based on your selection.
d.     On the Relying parties Fast Tab, select +Add. Enter the client ID that is listed on the final health page of the Retail Store Scale Unit installer. Set the Type field to Public and the UserType field to Worker. Then, on the Action Pane, select Save.

e.      Select the new relying party, and then, on the Server resource IDs Fast Tab, select +Add. In the Server Resource ID column, enter
f.        On the Action Pane, select Save.

3.       In Retail, go to Retail > Headquarters setup > Parameters > Retail shared parameters.
4.       Select Identity providers.
5.       On the Identity providers Fast Tab, select +Add.
6.       In the new Issuer row, enter the Retail Server URL of the newly installed Retail Store Scale Unit. At the end of the URL, add /auth. The URL will resemble https://MyComputerName/RetailServer/auth.
There will be a new identity provider line for each Retail Store Scale Unit that is installed. Each Retail Store Scale Unit will have a URL that resembles this URL.
7.       In the Name column, enter a description for the store that the URL belongs to.
8.       In the Type column, select Open ID Connect.
This new row must be duplicated for every Retail Store Scale Unit installation (that is, for every unique URL).
9.       On the Action Pane, select Save.

10.   On the Identity providers Fast Tab, select the newly created line. The values on the Relying parties Fast Tab are set, based on your selection.
11.   On the Relying parties Fast Tab, select +Add, and add the following two entries:
·         In the ClientID column, enter Cloud POS. Set the Type field to Public and the UserTypefield to Worker.
·         In the ClientID column, enter Modern POS. Set the Type field to Public and the UserTypefield to Worker.
12.   On the Action Pane, select Save.

13.   When you've finished, return to the Retail Store Scale Unit installer, and select Close.
The final page of the installer includes valuable information that you can use to test and validate that all components work correctly. Keep this page open until you've completed the validation.
If the installer doesn't show a check mark for Retail Server, Async Client, or any other component, wait 10 minutes, so that any cached values can be updated in the cloud. Then check again. If the installer still isn't fully successful, run a full synchronization on the new channel database that this installation uses

Activating the newly created Cloud POS


1.       Now click the link of the Cloud POS and once the page is opened, Click Next to Activate the Cloud POS.


2.       Now check the Retail Server URL and click next.


3.       Login to your Microsoft account which is imported in the User of the D365 environment and an employee is mapped to the user through external identity. Sometimes you might get the following error. “AADSTS50011: The reply url specified in the request does not match the reply urls configured for the application: ‘xxxxxxxx’. More details: Reply address did not match because requested address did not have a trailing slash.”


So, to correct the same, Go to Azure Active Directory > App Registration. Then select Retail Store Scale Unit Cloud POS app. Then click settings and then Reply URLs and then add “/” at the end of the address.


4.       After login and if the URL is successfully validated, select the store that you want to activate.


5.       Then select the register and click Activate button.


6.       If the device is activated successfully, you will get the following message. After that you can login to your cloud POS.


7.      After login to Cloud POS, you sometimes get the following error. “The authorization token issuer is invalid. An identity provider with a matching issuer was not found in the system.”


So, to correct the same, go to the PC where the Retail Store Scale Unit have been setup. Click Start and then Run and type inetmgr in the box and press ok.



                          Expand to RetailServer site and then right click the Retailserver and click explore



                          Open the web.config file in the notepad



And then find, “<add key="CommerceTokenIssuer" value=” and then verify the value entered is same and   exact to the value entered in Retail Shared Parameters in the identity provider. It is case sensitive.





                Then click RUN and type iisreset and press ok.



Activating the Modern POS


Before activation Modern POS, download the Retail Modern POS setup and configuration file. Also download the SSL certificate from RSSU server and trust the same in PC where you are installing modern POS.

1.       Go to Retail > Channel Setup > POS Setup > Devices and select the device which you want to activate for Retail Modern POS. Then click DOWNLOAD button and download Retail Modern POS and Configuration file.

2.       Copy the installer and configuration file where you want to configure Retail Modern POS, click the installer file, then click next

3.       Once the installer verifies the prerequisites, the installer will install the required files and completes successfully.

4.       After the installation is complete, click the Retail Modern POS app

Note: If you are activating the Modern POS with built-in Administrator account, then you might get the following error. “Retail Modern POS can't be opened with Built-in Administrator account. Sign in with different account.
To correct the same, Click start and RUN, then type “secpol.msc” and press ok.

In the Local Security Policies go to User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in-Administrator account in the Local Policies > Security Options. Set the Security Setting to Enabled.

Then in the Start > Run type “regedit” and click Ok. Navigate to HKLM>Software>Microsoft>Windows>CurrentVersion>Policies>System>UIPI then modify the value data to “0x00000001(1)” then close the register editor.

Then go to Control Panel > User Accounts > Change User Account Control Settings. Then change the slider to 3rd level as below and press Ok and restart the computer.

5.       Now click the Retail Modern POS app again, it should open now, and start the process of activation.

6.       Then click next and select the Device ID and Register which you want to activate and click activate.

7.       Sometimes during Modern POS activation, you might get the following error: “DA3001 – A connectivity error has occurred and your device can’t connect to the server.”

To resolve the above, make sure that you have imported the SSL certificate from Retail Store Scale Unit server and imported in the trusted people and personal folder. Also if the RetailServer and the Modern POS PC's are not in a domain environment, then you might have to put the RetailServer URL in the hosts file in the following location "C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc". 

Also try to avoid activation of Retail Modern POS in the RSSU server. It might require Microsoft Loopback Adapter.

8.     After the Retail Modern POS activated successfully, it will show the following message and you can login to Modern POS.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What are the advantages of using Retail store scale unit in d365

  3. Getting error while install Mpos:
    Step 3 of 11: Creating device token failed.
    DA1018 - The authorization token issuer is invalid. An identity provider with a matching issuer was not found in the system.

    Application session ID

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  12. hi, step 46 I am getting this error.

    Property LCS.LCSEnvironmentId is empty string from object instance ApplicationEnvironment.

    1. just updated in Operational Insights

    2. hi i`m facing same error i`m trying to apply the steps on local development environment. could you please help me?!
